A general election for the House of Assembly was held on Saturday 23 March 2024.
Remember, voting is compulsory.
A recount was conducted to fill a member vacancy in the House of Assembly division of Clark, created by the resignation of Elise Archer MP.
The TEC wrote to eligible candidates not elected at the 2021 election for the division of Clark, inviting them to participate. The period of consent closed at 12 noon on Monday 23 October 2023 and the recount commenced shortly after this time at the TEC Moonah office, L3/169 Main Rd Moonah.
Simon Behrakis has been elected as a member of the House of Assembly for the division of Clark until the next general election.
A recount was conducted to fill a member vacancy in the House of Assembly division of Clark created by the resignation of Cassy O'Connor MP.
The TEC wrote to eligible candidates not elected at the 2021 election for the division of Clark, inviting them to participate. The period of consent closed at 12 noon on Monday 31 July 2023. The recount commenced shortly after this time at 2/455 Main Rd, Glenorchy.
Vica Bayley has been elected as a member of the House of Assembly for the division of Clark until the next general election.
(PDFs, will open in new tab)
Clark recount
(Elise Archer)
Clark recount
(Cassy O'Connor)
Franklin recount
(Jacquie Petrusma)
Bass recount
(Peter Gutwein)
Bass recount
(Sarah Courtney)
Braddon recount
(Adam Brooks)
It is made up of 35 members, including the Premier.
Bass, Braddon, Clark, Franklin and Lyons.
These divisions have the same boundaries as the five Commonwealth House of Representatives divisions for Tasmania. There are thirty-five members of the House of Assembly, with seven members elected for each of the divisions using the Hare-Clark voting system of multi-member proportional representation. Members are elected for a term of up to 4 years.
Electoral names and boundaries updated 28 September 2018.
Archived election and result pages (will open in new tab).
Clark recount
(Elise Archer)
Clark recount
(Cassy O'Connor)
Franklin recount
(Jacquie Petrusma)
Bass recount
(Peter Gutwein)
Bass recount
(Sarah Courtney)
Braddon recount
(Adam Brooks)
Braddon recount
(Joan Rylah)
Franklin recount
(Will Hodgman)
Clark recount
(Scott Bacon)
Lyons recount
(Rene Hidding)
Braddon recount
(Adam Brooks)
Braddon recount
(Bryan Green)
Franklin recount
(Paul Harriss)
Franklin recount
(Nick McKim)
Bass recount
(Kim Booth)
Parliamentary election reports - House of Assembly results since 1909
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A great infographic about electing the 2 houses of Parliament in Tasmania.