



Enrolment FAQ

Am I eligible to enrol?

You are eligible to enrol for Federal and Tasmanian elections if–

The exception being prisoners serving a sentence of imprisonment for a term of more than 3 years.

British subjects who are not Australian citizens are eligible to enrol for Federal and Tasmanian elections if they were on a Commonwealth of Australia electoral roll on 25 January 1984.

*You may enrol when you are 16 or 17, but you cannot vote until you are 18.

Do I have to enrol?

Yes, if you are 18 or older and otherwise eligible you must enrol to vote. You may be fined if you do not enrol. If you are only 16 or 17, enrolment is not compulsory.

Do I have to vote?

Yes, voting is compulsory in Federal and Tasmanian Parliamentary elections. Recent amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 mean that voting in local government elections is now compulsory for all electors on the State roll. You may be fined if you do not vote.

More questions about enrolment

What happens when I send my enrolment form?

The electoral rolls will be updated and you will be sent an acknowledgement card showing your new enrolment details. Your name will appear on the electoral rolls used for Federal, State and Local Government elections.

Who has access to elector information?

To ensure an open and accountable electoral process, all members of the general public can access the electoral roll. Only names and addresses are provided.

Under the Tasmanian Electoral Act 2004, roll information may be supplied by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission to Members of Parliament, registered political parties, candidates and organisations approved by the Commission.

The Commission may approve the supply of roll information for ethically approved medical research, to assist in investigation and prevention of breaches of the law or protection of public revenue and for other purposes considered to be for the whole benefit of the individual or the community as a whole.

The Electoral Act 2004 provides penalities for the use of rolls other than for a purpose permitted under the Act or as approved by the Commission.

The Australian Electoral Commission is authorised under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to collect your details to maintain the electoral roll. The AEC may disclose your details to prescribed authorities with access to enrolment information including:

Do I have my address shown on the roll?

Special enrolment provisions may apply to persons who do not wish their address shown on the roll. See below for more details.

Special enrolment options

To see what options are available, visit the AEC's Special enrolment options web page.

Local Government elections enrolment

If you are currently on the electoral roll, you are automatically on the Local Government roll for the municipal area (council) in which your enrolled address is located. You may also be eligible to be on the Local Government roll if you have a shack or a shop, or are not an Australian citizen. Learn more about these special provisions on the Local Government enrolment page.

Who represents you?

Enter an address to identify which electoral areas it belongs to and the current elected members. Alternatively, select an electoral area to show the current elected members.