Multimedia Library

Preferences: Who's Next?

An animation about how preferences work.

Hare-Clark explained

Enjoy this animation - a light-hearted look at the Hare-Clark electoral system.

About Hare-Clark

In the lead up to the 2018 State Election the ABC education team asked Commissioner, Andrew Hawkey, to explain how the Hare-Clark counting system works, its history and why it's important for Tasmania.

'Ballot of Power'

Watch this animation about postal voting in Tasmanian local government elections.

Local Government Election Awareness TV Campaign

A taster of the stunning ad campaign produced in Tasmania and launched at the 2014 Local Government elections.

'Behind the Scenes'

Listen to a radio interview behind the scenes at the 2014 Local Government elections

A Day in the Life of a Polling Manager (OIC) Return

This video is part of a series developed by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission as part of a comprehensive training package for polling place managers.

Legislative Council election awareness TV Campaign

A sample of the TV advertisement campaign created in Tasmania for the annual Legislative Council elections - this version is from the 2016 cycle.