
Local government vacancies since the 2022 elections



 Vacancies between the 2018 and 2022 elections

About councillor vacancies

A councillor casual vacancy is usually filled by conducting a recount.
This involves re-examining the ballot papers that elected that councillor, looking for the electors’ next preference.

If the vacancy is for deputy mayor a 2-step process is undertaken:

    1. A recount is conducted to fill the councillor vacancy;
    2. At the next council meeting, the elected councillors vote to decide which councillor will hold the position of deputy mayor.

If the vacancy is for mayor who has also resigned as councillor, it is filled by conducting a by-election with 2 ballots - one for councillor and one for mayor.

If the vacancy is for mayor but that person has remained a councillor, it is filled by conducting a by-election with 1 ballot for mayor.

 How does the counting process for dual by-elections work? [Download PDF, 936KB, printable]

Further information is available in the "Filling a casual vacancy" [PDF 5.1MB, opens in new tab]  section of the candidate information booklet.