Candidate statement submission

2024 King Island Council by-election

Candidate statements closed at 12 noon on Tuesday 10 September 2024.

image link to sample statement booklet

Click to see this 2022 statements booklet for an example of the finished product  

Your candidate statement

Complete this candidate statement form in accordance with the approved guidelines found in the candidate handbook.

To be considered, your statement must be submitted before 12 noon, Tuesday 10 September 2024.

Your candidate statement can be no more than 600 characters, including spaces and punctuation. For example the phrase "The quick fox." is counted as 11 letters + 2 spaces + 1 full stop = 14 characters.

Tip - It's a good idea to draft your statement before you use the online form.

Notes - The online form cannot accept more than 600 characters.

The TEC is not responsible for correcting spelling or grammar errors.

  Nominations and candidate statements have closed.

Guidelines for your candidate photo

  • it should be recent
  • colour is preferable
  • portrait orientation
  • a light-coloured neutral background is required (e.g. a plaster wall)
  • clear glasses are OK
  • you're welcome to smile.


  • Avoid any cropping or zooming in too close (your shoulders must be showing). The TEC will crop each candidate’s photo to the same dimensions and similar proportions.
  • Don't scan a printed photo.
  • The larger the file size, the better!
photo samples