Previous Legislative Council
Elections + Maps

Current Cycle of
Legislative Council

Result pages for the current periodic cycle of elections.

Calendar icon  2024 elections for the divisions of Elwick (by-election), Hobart, and Prosser

Calendar icon  2023 elections for the divisions of Launceston, Murchison, and Rumney

Calendar icon  2022 by-election for the division of Pembroke

Calendar icon  2022 elections for the divisions of Elwick, Huon (by-election), and McIntyre

Calendar icon  2021 elections for the divisions of Derwent, Mersey, and Windermere

Calendar icon  2020 elections for the divisions of Huon and Rosevears

Calendar icon  2019 elections for the divisions of Montgomery, Nelson, and Pembroke

Calendar icon  2018 elections for the divisions of Hobart and Prosser

Calendar icon  2017 by-election for the division of Pembroke

Calendar icon  2017 elections for the divisions of Launceston, Murchison, and Rumney

Earlier Elections

Historical election results

dating back to 1981

Parliamentary Election Reports

all reports since 1909

Historical Boundaries